Most members are assigned to a primary dental clinic. If you have been assigned to a clinic, the name and phone number are printed on the back of your membership card. If you have not been assigned to a primary dental clinic, call Customer Service at 503-416-1444 or TTY 711 for help finding a dentist.
For Health Share of Oregon members:
For Columbia Pacific CCO members:

Call CareOregon Dental Customer Service at 503-416-1444 or TTY 711. We can help you find another clinic.
CareOregon Dental assigns members to one of the several dental clinics throughout our service area. To find a clinic near you, visit our Find a Dentist page.
For your benefits to be covered, you must choose from our network of dental providers. If your dentist is not in our network, they won’t be paid for the services they perform.
Call your dentist's office. An on-call provider will be able to help you.
Call CareOregon Dental Customer Service at 503-416-1444, toll-free at 888-440-9912 or TTY 711. If you receive emergency dental care out of the area, have the dentist send us an itemized (detailed) bill and chart notes showing the dental emergency.
CareOregon Dental and our dentists care about your experience and want to give you the best dental care possible. If you have a complaint with any part of your treatment, contact your dentist or CareOregon Dental Customer Service.
To change to another dental plan, contact your CCO:
- Health Share of Oregon: 888-519-3845 or TTY 711
- Columbia Pacific CCO: 855-722-8206 or TTY 711
Yes. All dental treatment is safe during pregnancy, including X-rays, cleanings, fillings and extractions. Regular dental care during pregnancy improves the health of your gums and is critical to keeping your mouth healthy.
Children should see a dentist when their first tooth appears or no later than the first birthday. Baby teeth play an important role, because they:
- Save space for the permanent teeth that are growing under the gums.
- Help young children chew their food and form their first words.
- Frame the child’s face and improve self-esteem.
Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease and is almost entirely preventable. Regular dental visits are critical to keeping a healthy mouth.
Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings put on the back teeth to seal out germs and prevent cavities. Sealants should be applied as soon as children get their permanent back teeth (molars). All molars without dental decay should have dental sealants. Kids need their first molars sealed between age 6 and 9 and second molars sealed between 10 and 14. A dental care professional applies a thin, clear coating over the molars. It’s quick — about 20 minutes — and painless. Sealants keep out cavity-producing bacteria for several years.
Regular dental visits are a part of routine overall diabetes care, like seeing your medical doctor. Taking care of your mouth can help control blood sugar and reduce complications.
We recommend seeing a dentist at least one time a year, even for denture wearers. The dentist will check the health of your gums, screen for oral cancer and check the fit of your dentures.
If you live in a group home or assisted living facility and have a special need that keeps you from accessing care in a dental clinic, call us at 503-416-1444 to address some of our special needs dental care. Or ask your dentist if you need assistance or additional information for referral to transportation services.
We work with multiple providers, including Exceptional Dental Needs Services (ENDS).
CareOregon Dental takes fraud, waste and abuse seriously. If you suspect your benefits aren't being used correctly or want to report a case of fraud, waste or abuse, contact EthicsPoint at 888-331-6524. You also can file a report online at EthicsPoint.
Children and teens under the age of 19 are eligible for physical, dental and mental health care through the “OHP Now Covers Me!” program. This includes pregnant people and youth protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. For more information, please click here.