Read more: Members may have trouble getting meds at some pharmacies.

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Provider Policy Change: 3/1/2025 Removal of Provider Reconsiderations.

Provider updates

CareOregon Dental’s membership is growing!

Oct 11, 2018, 07:00 AM

As of October 1, all Health Share members will be assigned to one of five dental plans, selected after a re-bidding process by Health Share. The plans are: CareOregon Dental; Advantage Dental; Kaiser Permanente; ODS Community Dental; and Willamette Dental Group. Members previously enrolled in other dental plans have been reassigned, and CareOregon Dental is excited to welcome almost 25,000 of these transitioning members!

Nothing has changed for members who were already assigned to one of the five plans above. The transitioning members have been notified and have received a new Health Share ID card in the mail stating their new dental plan and provider assignment, if applicable.

In the meantime, each plan has been working with Health Share to ensure that transitioning members are placed with the plan that best fits their health needs, paying special attention to continuity of care; physical, mental and oral health integration; and family alignment. CareOregon Dental’s new members are primarily those who are already engaged at our Federally Qualifying Health Center (FQHC) dental clinics; are assigned to the same FQHC systems for physical health; or have family members who are.

Additionally, we have been diligent in making sure these members are assigned to the primary dental provider that fits best. With the influx, we are here to support our partners and providers in taking care of these transitioning members. This expansion is an exciting opportunity to share CareOregon Dental’s quality, engagement and integration efforts with 50 percent more Health Share members!

Remember: this change will only affect members whose dental insurance is through Health Share of Oregon CCO and who are not already assigned to the plans above. The Oregon Health Plan dental benefit package has not changed, and most of CareOregon Dental’s new members will be able to keep seeing their current dentist.

FAQs have been shared, and you can read more from Health Share here.

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