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Provider updates

Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS): Advancing the oral health care delivery model

Oct 11, 2018, 07:00 AM

The challenge of delivering dental care outside the traditional brick-and-mortar clinic has been met head-on by our collaborative, innovative partner: Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS). For patients who are unable to receive dental care in a typical dental office setting due to physical or cognitive impairment, and would otherwise have no access to dental care, ENDS mobile dentistry may be the answer.

ENDS began in the mid-nineties and is a mobile dentistry program for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) clients enrolled in the following dental care organizations (DCO) throughout the state: CareOregon Dental, Capitol Dental Care, Managed Dental Care of Oregon, and Willamette Dental Group. ENDS provides mobile dental services to patients residing in long term care facilities, group homes and foster homes who are non-ambulatory and have a developmental disability, cognitive impairment or other medical complexities. ENDS bridges the gap in dental care accessibility for this population. They currently have two dozen practicing providers around the state which include dentists, denturists and expanded practice dental hygienists.

From travelling, hauling mobile equipment, examining and treating patients, mobile dentistry is both challenging and rewarding work. In addition to providing dental services, ENDS also offers in-service training for patients, family members and caregivers, with specific oral hygiene instructions and tools to help them improve their oral home care routines. The care that ENDS provides is truly exceptional. The ENDS team challenges the traditional methods of dental care delivery and provider-patient relationships, and its great at it!

If you have a patient who is no longer able to be treated in your clinic setting, is living in a group home or long-term care facility, and is a member of CareOregon Dental, Capitol Dental Care, Managed Dental Care of Oregon or Willamette Dental Group, contact the member’s DCO about a referral to ENDS.

Thank you to the ENDS program and staff for your dedication and service to the people in our community!

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