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Announcement: CareOregon Dental is expanding into Tillamook County

Dec 18, 2019, 08:00 AM

The next five years represent an exciting new chapter in healthcare transformation, and the ushering in of CCO 2.0 offers a plethora of opportunities. CareOregon has embraced one such opportunity, the chance to enter a new service area - Tillamook County.

Tillamook is a region with an extremely limited number of dental providers and historically low dental utilization. We are eager and excited to work towards more integrated and innovative oral health services in the region as well as in the tri-county Metro area. The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in Tillamook County is provided through Columbia Pacific CCO, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CareOregon. This relationship is the first of its kind, wherein physical, behavioral and oral health services will be managed within one entity, thus allowing for greater collaboration and coordination of all health services entirely under one roof.

Statewide, nearly one million residents receive their physical, behavioral and dental health coverage through the OHP. Since 2014, the OHP has largely been provided through regionally-based Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) contracted with Oregon Health Authority. CCOs have made great strides in improving care, improving health and lowering costs, yet there is still much progress to be realized.

With CCO 2.0, Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen said, “Over the next five years, these contracts will give us more tools to help Oregonians be healthier at home, in school and in their communities, improve access to mental health and substance use services, reduce health disparities, and get better health and quality outcomes for dollars we spend on health care.”

For more information on CCO 2.0, visit

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