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CareOregon and Data Equity

Dec 20, 2021, 08:00 AM
CareOregon and Data Equity

As an organization, CareOregon has identified a need to improve how we utilize data for analysis. We use data in actionable ways. It tells stories, drives strategic plans, and determines resource allocation. Simply put, data and related analysis have power.

CareOregon recognizes the influence of white supremacy on analytic practices and how systemic racism and bias continue to influence the data world. In response to the need, CareOregon has created a Data Equity Guide with recommendations for integrating equity into our data analysis and visualization.

One practical application of Data Equity guidance is the disaggregation of data into smaller subsections to fully understand the story being told. For example, a race grouping of Asian populations can be broken down further into multiple identities such as Cambodian, Japanese and Vietnamese. The disaggregation can show possible disparities within the group, and the unique differences in these subpopulations.

The CareOregon Dental team is actively creating and analyzing membership dashboards that reflect Data Equity recommendations to help improve the oral health of all our members and communities. We move forward knowing there will always be room for improvement, and our understanding of how to embed equity into data analysis will change over time as the discussion and learning continues. 

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