HPV Dental Task Force Toolkit for Dental Providers
In 2020, Oregon HPV Prevention Alliance established an HPV Dental Task Force to explore ways to engage providers and leverage patient visits to increase HPV cancer awareness and provide additional touchpoints for education and vaccine administration. Aron Goffin, MPH, Senior Specialist MCHD Dental Program served as co-chair. An HPV Dental Toolkit was developed to inform and aid dental providers in education and discussion of HPV prevention with patients. The comprehensive Toolkit includes both patient and provider-facing education materials such as:
- Posters for dental office
- Patient brochures and information cards
- Provider fact sheet and checklist
- Social media content and graphics
Patient facing materials are available in Spanish and English.
The full suite of materials can be found on the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute website: https://www.ohsu.edu/sites/default/files/2022-04/2022.04_Dental%20Office%20HPV%20Materials%20Toolkit_ENG%2BSPAN%20Web.pdf