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Welcome Léonie Edwards, EFDA Dental Care & Outreach Specialist!

Dec 14, 2022, 17:07 PM

CareOregon Dental warmly welcomes Léonie Edwards, our new Dental Care & Outreach Specialist!

She provides dental case management for the Dental Plan members and assists in focused outreach efforts to ensure quality of care and member education.

Léonie’s oral health career sprouted at14-years-old when she took a job cleaning instruments at her dentist’s office. She found herself chairside assisting on her first day! Léonie ultimately transitioned to a front desk position; her passions were sparked, and her path was laid. Two years, later she passed the assistant exam then moved to Oregon and earned her EFDA certification. She took on a double role as chairside assistant and office manager at a dental office, where she remained for 16 years. After her office closed during the pandemic, she began a transition toward a career in clinical mental health; she is currently a part-time student at George Fox University.

Léonie said this opportunity in the CareOregon Dental Department “seemed custom made. It was a perfect marriage of (her) past dentistry experience and coincided with (her) mental health aspirations” …it was an “absolute blessing…designed for her.”

Born in England, her father’s career brought her family to the States. Many lingering clues of her British heritage remain; her adult son is named Spencer in honor of Diana, Princess of Wales, and she loves to share cucumber sandwiches over high tea with her mother. When not studying and spending time with her son, Léonie loves traveling with her boyfriend Joe, visiting the coast, wine tasting, hiking, kayaking, and painting.

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