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NHC Ortho Spotlight

Oct 18, 2023, 15:39 PM

This year brought with it the expansion of our Orthodontia Benefit. Neighborhood Health Centers has shown early success navigating this new arena. We asked them to share their perspectives. See what they have to say!

NHC has ortho provider-champions. How did you engage your team to support this expanded benefit for your patients?

“Our providers knew this benefit was coming and started keeping lists of patients they thought might qualify for the benefit when it became available. They then contacted those patients once the benefit was active to have them come in for an assessment. (We) didn’t need to do much to engage (our) providers with this work. This has been 100% driven by the providers and their desire to care for the kids that are coming in with obvious ortho needs that are affecting their quality of life.”

How does NHC manage time to complete the required materials for the orthodontics referral?

“We set up a separate appointment for the ortho consult with the patient. The rest of the time needed outside of chair time is found during downtime when a patient cancels or no-shows.”

What “a-ha” moments or “lessons learned” can you share?

“It’s important to have a clear understanding of the rules around what qualifies a patient for this benefit. This helps the provider set expectations with patients so that there isn’t too much disappointment if the benefit is denied.”

We would love to hear a story from a referring provider about supporting a member with possibly life-changing orthodontics.

From Dr. Josh Smith: “The orthodontic benefit this year has been a great addition to what I can offer patients who otherwise would not be able to access ortho treatment. We’ve found that the people who are most appreciative are the folks who have the greatest need for treatment, which is exactly who this program targets. I can’t wait to see their smiling faces after the orthodontic treatment is complete!”

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